
The Rest Frame

All the things are relative, this is my rest frame.

What type of God do you believe in?

Jan 21, 2024
What type of God do you believe in?
Matsya Avatar of Vishnu, Uttar Pradesh, India. To me, atheism sounded like a natural concept for someone capable of rational thinking. I thought that one need not be a philosopher to spot the logical fallacy in the religious practices around us. Anyone with common sense can see that all the things we do to please God are nonsense. My belief got stronger and stronger as I read more books. I naturally evolved into believing that God does not exist.

My New Website is on HUGO

Dec 31, 2023
My New Website is on HUGO
I have been running a blog for about four years, about two hundred posts with poems and articles of various kinds. Everything was going great with my website, but when everything is going great, you lose interest in life. To make it more interesting, you need to step out of your comfort zone and do things that could be more interesting. So, I spent my vacations building a website for myself.

What Can We Learn From AI Revolution?

Dec 12, 2023
What Can We Learn From AI Revolution?
The talk around AI is a hot topic nowadays. ChatGPT is producing spectacular results every day. YouTube recommendation is better than ever. Self-driving cars are becoming common on the road. It seems that AI is taking over the world. But how does AI work? How does AI learn everything at the level of expertise? How can ChatGPT be an expert in both Science and History and you can’t even study one?

Death of Characters

Dec 3, 2023
Death of Characters
जब मैं कहानियों में जीता था वो दिन गुजर गए मुझे मोहब्बत हुई और सारे किरदार मर गए अब ख्यालों में मुझसे मिलने सिर्फ एक चेहरा आता है बाकी सारे प्यारे लोग अपने-अपने घर गए कब वक्त बदले कब जज़्बात बदले खबर ना हुई पता ही नहीं चला जो हमसफर थे वो किधर गए वो भी दिन थे हम सड़कों पर बेफिक्र नाचते थे अब हम संजीदा हो गए हम शायद सुधर गए