Simi Chahal

Apr 30, 2020 · 176 words · 1 minute read

It has been three years 
Since I met you first time;
After that I have given you
Many songs and the rhyme. 
I donated myself to write about 
You, Your beauty, your voice;
You are the only material of 
My stories, articles and poems. 
I tried to write you but I can’t 
My words finished in the short;
People say I am crazy after you 
But I know well that I am not. 
You are my identity somewhere 
You are the reason of my smile;
Your photo is my wallpaper 
And also photo of my profile. 
Your cute face is like elixir
Your smiling is rain in desert;
Your voice is like sound of soul 
I love you with my heart infect. 
I never miss any of your film 
I never miss any of your story;
I like every post of your page
Your photo brings me glory. 
My all friends know about you
Without you my  life is so dull;
I can declare ofically for you
I am Shyam, I love Simi Chahal.

~Shyam Sunder

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