Oh.. My Friend

Apr 30, 2020 · 126 words · 1 minute read

Oh My Friend, Oh my friend
Don’t be afraid, Don’t be scared
I am not going to beat you
Are you going to bite me? 
No.. No.. Not say dared
Oh my friend, Don’t be afraid. 

Listen we are friends 
Both are created by same god
Don’t bark on me dude
You are making me scared 
Oh my friend, Don’t be afraid. 

Friend! We are homemates
We are living in same home 
I’ll listen all your sorrows
I’ll tell you all my sorrows 
I’ll follow whatever I have said
Oh my friend, Don’t be afraid. 

I know human behaviour 
It is not worth faith but
I am your friend 
Are you my friend? 
Why are your eyes wet? 
Oh my friend, Don’t be afraid.

~Shyam Sunder

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