
The Rest Frame

All the things are relative, this is my rest frame.

This Too Shall Pass

Sep 17, 2023
This Too Shall Pass
\ I love standing on a height Watching cars move at a distance Small figures come and go like Features of the fading face Of Someone we used to love. It’s ironic to see us thriving Without the people we said We can’t even live without. It’s cruel how time heals the wound. Even without our cooperation. But when a wound is healed It leaves behind a mark A scar on the skin

Why I Don’t Post On Social Media

Sep 10, 2023
Lucky are those who can call themselves introverts or extroverts. For those in transition or introverted at one time and extroverted at another, it’s a constant struggle between these two personalities. The action of one personality may cause a wave of regret or a feeling of utter stupidity to the other. And since they are cohabiting the same brain, they are bound to cross each other’s paths. Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash What’s the point?

You Belong With Me (Shyam's Version)

Sep 3, 2023
You Belong With Me (Shyam's Version)
You Belong with me (Shyam’s Version) I watch you standing there Fighting with your boyfriend You use your hands to a good affair Just to make him understand But he doesn’t get it like I do. I am sitting with my sketchbook It’s one of those lazy days I sketch you in a happy look You stand here with a sad face. He doesn’t want you happy like I do.

Happiness is lost day by day

Aug 20, 2023
Happiness is lost day by day
Happiness is lost day by day How one could find its way? Through the pathless woods of vine I have to reach to my dine. One twinkling star in the twilight The only thing in my sight Forcing me to work so hard So that i could get my reward. So uneasy it is to stay alive If one is not cheerful in his life To get my achievements and my goals