
The Rest Frame

All the things are relative, this is my rest frame.

Existantial Dread

Feb 12, 2024
Existantial Dread
Carve Yourself Nothing is real except the existential dread! What is it that keeps me awake late? The insecurity of ending up alone Or turning into someone I hate Alike the fear of known and unknown Or the burden of finding my fate. Or the simple question of Why haven’t I yet found a date? Nothing is real except the existential dread! Too forgetful of my own achievements Or too ungrateful of God’s grace

Nice Person

Feb 8, 2024
Nice Person
The second word which defines me is nice. I have been a nice person since my childhood. The definition of nice includes the classical definition, which is someone hesitant to say no, but there is more to it. One of my well-wishers once advised me to stop being nice and start learning to say no. It was hard for me to know this art. As time did its job, this quality of mine grew stronger.


Feb 7, 2024
When asked three words that define me, the first word that comes to my mind is overcautious. I am a person who takes forever to perform an experiment and produces ordinary results. I am a person who can never make an artwork out of the fear of spilling the paint. Like all normal children, I was also not a huge fan of eating vegetables in my childhood. (Maybe that explains my skinniness.

Meeting My Favorite Fictional Character

Feb 5, 2024
Meeting My Favorite Fictional Character
Oh my God! You are real! I knew it. You had to be real. You had to be real because I believed in you. I had faith in you. A faith like religious people have in God, a faith like normal people have in reason, and a faith like scientists have in science. And now, when I see you in front of my eyes, it looks nothing less than a miracle.