
The Rest Frame

All the things are relative, this is my rest frame.

Undefined Conntection

Mar 18, 2024
Undefined Conntection
We share an undefined connection I always think about being with you I always enjoy it when I am with you I don’t want to let the moment go I want you to stay with me always. I want you to stay with me always I am different when I am with you I am complete when I am with you For me, you are a complementation We share an undefined connection.

Happy Women's Day

Mar 8, 2024
Happy Women's Day
Dear Women You are strong enough to carry the weight of responsibility for us men and women. You are the axis around which the socio-eco-political system revolves. Your sacrifices define the natural tendency of sapiens to look beyond one’s personal interests and believe in a goal of collective good towards humanity. Your role in the development and progression of human society is undeniable and irreplaceable. The pain you go through ensures the survival of the human species on the planet.

Reading Is More Important Than You Think - Here Is Why

Mar 3, 2024
Reading Is More Important Than You Think - Here Is Why
Once, an Asur (I don’t exactly remember his name :joy:) got, no doubt accidentally, extremely smart and thought about eliminating the Devas without engaging in a direct war. He sought knowledge from several Rishis to know about the source of Devas’ powers. He found out that the prayers and hawans essentially feed the Devas. A rishi told him that when a human prays in the name of a Dev, it works like a food bite for that Dev.


Feb 13, 2024