Undefined Conntection

Mar 18, 2024 · 154 words · 1 minute read

We share an undefined connection
I always think about being with you
I always enjoy it when I am with you
I don’t want to let the moment go
I want you to stay with me always.

I want you to stay with me always
I am different when I am with you
I am complete when I am with you
For me, you are a complementation
We share an undefined connection.

I perform my best when you cheer
I speak better whenever you hear
I hope you would listen to me once
For me, you are a kind of inspiration
We share an undefined connection.

I wish I could define our relationship
I wish I could know more about us
I have found out that this isn’t love
This is not the feeling people say it.
This is the one and last conformation
We share an undefined connection.

Originally Written in April 2020.

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