Happy Women's Day

Mar 8, 2024 · 418 words · 2 minute read

Happy Women’s Day

Dear Women

You are strong enough to carry the weight of responsibility for us men and women. You are the axis around which the socio-eco-political system revolves.

Your sacrifices define the natural tendency of sapiens to look beyond one’s personal interests and believe in a goal of collective good towards humanity. Your role in the development and progression of human society is undeniable and irreplaceable.

The pain you go through ensures the survival of the human species on the planet. You carry out the enormously significant task of bringing a new human into the world. That is something that should be given more respect than we can ever collect together. A human being, no matter how successful they become in their life, can never pay back to their mother for bringing them into the world as the first task. No amount of love can sum up to be comparable to the love a mother has for her child.

In recent years, women have shown enormous effort in technology, politics, and basically every other field that affects our lives regularly. They have shown that given equal opportunity and resources, they do not only compare men in results but look to overthrow them. I have seen this in my area, the status of women going from *‘Why do you want to send your girl to school?’ *to *‘Only girls are good at studies today, boys are only *deeth.’ Clearly, women in rural areas have brought pride to their parents’ names in recent times.

Women are more than capable of doing all the things men can do, but more. And, of course, men can’t do all the women’s capacity of tasks. Throughout history, women have shown incredible courage and intellect alongside men to shape the metamorphic structure of society. Yet, there is still much more they are doing towards the development of social structure.

As a man, I can never claim to understand the feelings and psychology of women. And I have also found myself generalizing and accusing women of all sorts of things. But when I look back at these moments, I see myself acting strange and dumb. But there is a lot to learn, a lot to get good at, and I am looking forward to it.

Today is a day of not only motivating women to step up and take their throne equal to men. Today is also a day to express our gratitude towards the contribution of women in shaping our society.

Happy Women’s Day!

Further Exploration

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