Existantial Dread

Feb 12, 2024 · 247 words · 2 minute read

Carve yourself
Carve Yourself

Nothing is real except the existential dread!
What is it that keeps me awake late?
The insecurity of ending up alone
Or turning into someone I hate
Alike the fear of known and unknown
Or the burden of finding my fate.
Or the simple question of
Why haven’t I yet found a date?
Nothing is real except the existential dread!

Too forgetful of my own achievements
Or too ungrateful of God’s grace
It may be hard work, maybe luck
Can’t figure out which is the case!
Changing the course of action
Or going where life leads?
That is the prime question.
And the essence of deeds.
It’s easier done than said
Nothing is real except existential dread.

So what’s the plan?
The plan is to plan, I suppose
The purpose of life
Is to find out life’s purpose.
Don’t follow what they say
And to find your destination
Make your own way
And make it through exploration
Let the sun rise; let the dream fade
Because nothing is real except existential dread.

Picture Credits: Carve Yourself, Vivekananda House, Ramkrishna Math, Chennai. Clicked by Shyam Sunder, (2024, Feb 11).

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