A Monkey

Dec 18, 2022 · 211 words · 1 minute read

Sometimes, I take the long route to hostel
And I leave my phone at my room
To observe the nature around me.

I stare at a monkey
Comfortably enjoying its life,
It looks like the character of an animated movie
Or it’s the other way around.
I don’t know!
The grasp of technology is tight.

I am jealous of it
It lives so close to the nature
While we walk staring at our phones.
It has go tension of marks, money or matter
While we are crumbling under stress.
We only only live in IIT and pay rent
And they own it.

I look at its group
It is close to his close ones
I turn around to see my friends;
There ain’t any
I have not got any.
And here is another reason to envy it.

I come back to my room
Sit near the high stack of
Uncompleted lab reports and due assignments
My resume draft stares back at me!
Human life is so complicated
Sometimes, I want to run away from it
Sometimes, I want to be a


It’s feels like reading someone’s diary wh…

Anjali Kumari shaw -
It’s feels like reading someone’s diary who is so poetic …. it’s beautiful ✨

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