A Planet with no Borders

Nov 11, 2021 · 172 words · 1 minute read


A world with no borders\

I come from a place
A planet with no borders
No dictators, No government
Still, everything is in order.

There is no cast, no religion
There are not any race
No discrimination on creatures
No difference on any basis.

We are all the same
We are called gender blind
Girls are ahead of boys
But boys are not behind.

I come from a planet
There aren’t any crimes
Where judiciary is a formality

All assets are public
The public is an asset
Service is mandatory 
No money, no questions!

No import, no export
No empire no wars
Love is in place of hate
Hate is not among stars.

In this world, if we compare
That world is fascinating
Nuclear power is for electricity
No atom bombs for threatening.

On our planet,
All creatures are the same
When we introduce ourselves
We use the planet’s name as a surname.

There all things are even
There aren’t any odds
But one thing is strange,
Humans are our Gods.

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