Sleepless Nights: The Poem

Dec 13, 2020 · 152 words · 1 minute read

It is 2 AM of dark night
  No sign of sleep in my eye
  It has gone away from me
  It has abandoned me.
  Sitting in balcony
  Cigarette in my hand
  Going through your memory
  Letting them go away
  With the smoke in the sky.
  Sitting under the sky
  Phone in my hands
  Swiping through your pictures
  My cheeks can feel the cold
  When the breeze hits the tears.
  Sitting in the cold breeze
  Cigarette butt in my hands
  Comparing my life with ashes
  My happiness fly away as smoke
  And the sorrow as ashes remains!
  Sitting in a sorrow
  My face in my hands
  Yes, I am crying after you
  Because at this stage
  That is all what I can do!
  I am thankful to you
  For the life you have given me
  At least I have experience to fail!
  Thank you!
  ~Shyam Sunder
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Start of the sleepless nights

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