Moved On

Jul 23, 2020 · 173 words · 1 minute read


 Now the butterflies don’t remind me
The bad past,  I have left behind me.
I have stopped crying  for my future
I have started to find out  my nature.
I am happy, The worst time is gone:
I have forgotten you, I’ve moved on.

I am grown, I have started working
I don’t take so pressure of anything.
I have stopped  taking so much tips
I don’t think about  so relationships.
I have decided  to let me live alone:
I have forgotten you, I’ve moved on.

I have started using time so wisely
I am taking so much care of family
I have finally  returned  to my nest
I think  everything will be the best.
I have  found your falseness shown
I have forgotten you, I’ve moved on.

I’ve  entered in the world of reality
I have already left every of facility
I have now started explorin myself
In the rest frame  talking to myself.
I don’t spend  much time on phone
I have forgotten you, I’ve moved on.

~ Shyam Sunder

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