Lie in Love

May 25, 2020 · 534 words · 3 minute read


Lie in Love

      “We shall go to the fair togather!” she smiled, holding my hand. After one year in Delhi I got to know about some fair. Riya was the only reason I played attention to college other than cricket.

    “No! We have a match against Brisben tomorrow. Our captain will have college. I will lead the team. I am sorry!” I managed to make an excuse. I just didn’t want to go there. I am afraid of anyone see us in relationship.

“Oh…I thought we will enjoy. But no problem. I will go by myself. Best of luck” she said making me smile.

    That’s the thing that made me fall in love with her. She is so kind hearted, not loosing tampor on small things. She loves me the way I am. We good byed each other.

    The next day, I wake up late as not usual. I completed all formalities. I called Guman, one of the team members.

“Hi! Can we go for practice today?”

“No, I have classes today.” 


“Three. Don’t you go to college?” 

“My classes are dismissed.” 

“Then go to fair!” he made his suggestion. 

I thought about it a while….. 

“I can’t!” I ended the call. 

I was thinking about Riya and I called Chandan, my classmate and also a member of team. 

“Where are you?” 

“I am going to fair. Come! we will enjoy.” 

‘We will enjoy’ Riya’s word echoed in my ears. 

“I can’t! " I shouted as I ended. 

I was irritated. I called Surender, my elder brother, who lives in Ajmer. I thought he will help me to pass the time. He didn’t attend. I  got his message. ‘I am at Pushkar’ it showed ‘with my GF, will talk to you later’ 

All over was her image. I was frustrated. I didn’t lie with her before. I love her. I opened my music player. 


The ad showed. I wasn’t able to stop myself thinking about her. I was feeling sick. I called home, I talked to maa for half an hour. She told me about a fight in aour neighbourhood. 

“Never lie to your beloved ones” maa gave sanskar to me. A drop of tear come out of my eyes. I ended the call at the moment. 

I was mad. I called her. While ringing the bell I thought how she would feel and I again, frustrated. 

“Hey! My match is cancelled” I thought a lie will kill other lie. 

“Oh…so sad”, she showed sympathy, “I will pray that you will perform better in next” She added. But I was not feeling better. 

“I am sorry! Riya!” I began to cry, “I lied to you.” 


“I just didn’t want to go with you!!” I sniffle. 

“Hey! Why are you crying. If  you don’t want you tell me. What’s the matter! I don’t feel bad. I love you so much. I understand you. Now stop crying” 

She was handling me as a child. 

“I love you too! Let’s meet at chai!” 

I fixed a meeting. We met. The day went better. 

People say you will have a better sleep after crying. I felt it was true next morning.

~Shyam Sunder

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