The Last Leaf

Apr 7, 2020 · 348 words · 2 minute read

Photo by Kwang Xavier

The last leaf is about to leave the tree
He is gone yellow and he is gonna free. 
The leaf is sad, he doesn’t want to leave
The tree he spent all his life till death;
‘Hey! My dear tree, I love you.’, he said
‘I have given you food and my breath. 
Now I’m near my end and I’m worried
I am the only mate of  you, mere dost;
If I leave you, you will be just a wood
Your beauty is in life that will be lost’. 
You are only one leaf’, the tree replied
of the leaves, I used to have one time;
All left, But when the spring will come 
I will have new ones, green will shine. 
The beauty is not in just ongoing life
It is in the repetition of sorrow & delight;
The spring comes after every autumn
There is a day after every dark night.’
The tree ended his words with lines
That nature lives through this chain;
The leaf broke and fell on the earth 
Spring came, the tree was green again. 
Clouds can hide the sun, cannot erase
Keep believing, keep hope, that’s key;
The situations can change many times
You should try to keep yourself happy.

This is my first post on my Blogspot account. I was thinking about what to write here. I can think this as sharing my thoughts sharing what is written in the personal section of my notepad. Now, this is an inspirational poem I wrote. I have just reached my village when the spring was about to come and this COVID-19 and lockdown happened. I was just depressed because I didn’t bring my books, notebooks, and any study material. I saw a tree and the last leaf and I thought as this is their bad time. The bad time will go away when the spring will come and the good days will come again. I was a little bit inspired by this and I wrote it as this poem. I think others can be also inspired by this.

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