My Thoughts on Happiness

Apr 30, 2020 · 107 words · 1 minute read


My Thoughts on Happieness 

Want to live life…
Don’t wait for someone.
Because there is no person
Made for only happienesss
Want to be real joyful..
Don’t look for any reason
Just solo…………
Because there is no reason for Happiness 
For the joy of tomorrow
Don’t kill joy of today.
Live your today
Why worry for tomorrow…
Want to enjoy your life….
Don’t wait……
Beacuse there is no moment of happiness ..
Whole life is full of joy.
Want to enjoy your nature…. 
Click the joy in things
Happening around you 
Because there is no place for happieness 
There is joy in whole world. 

~Shyam Sunder

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