
Apr 30, 2020 · 187 words · 1 minute read

I am feeling so drowned
In the deep ocean of feelings
Because I have cheated
With my family, myself too.
I am lost in the darkness
Every direction is so black
I don’t know where to go
Everything is infinite but empty.
I am falling towards the
The center of a Black Hole
Everything is dark deep and vecent
And am just falling and falling.
I have lost my own reputation
My publicly in my eyes…
I am feeling cut from myself.
I am feeling guilty, so guilty
As I am addicted to cheap wine.
I have done many things wrong
To myself, I am drown..
I will overcome over these feelings
I will leave all bad habits
I will gain my lost image
My reputation in my eyes.
I will develop my personality.
My friendship with myself is broken
But I will tie it with knote of faith.
I will control my mind
I won’t let my mind rule over my heart.
I will feel the feeling of responsibility,
That I am grown up
I should behave like an adult.

~Shyam Sunder 

#poetry  #loveyourself

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